お元気ですか。ちょとさむいですね。あしたも ちょとさむいです。
ニューヨーク・マーリオット・マーキスへ よこうそ。りょこうは たのしんでますか。どこから きましたか。
スーテーシです。フロントで はたらきます。八っかいです。日本語を 勉強します。たのしいです!
どうも ありがとうございます。
I like my job. I work every weekend. I don't have Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays off. Usually I have Tuesdays and Thursdays off. I work from 3 o'clock to 11 o'clock. Sometimes, in November and December I work for sixteen hours at a time. It's good! Why is it good? I work at a hotel!
Every day, I talk to everyone. I talk to British people. I talk to Chinese, French, and Australian people, too. Everyone is happy. Sometimes Japanese people come to the hotel. I have a little notebook. In it I have Japanese example sentences. I write letters in Japanese. Every night the letters are under the door of the Japanese people. (I couldn't figure out how to say I put the letters under their door .. anyone know?)
Example: (of my letters)
Mr. Wanatabe,
How are you? It's a little cold, isn't it? Tomorrow it will also be a little cold.
Welcome to the New York Marriott Marquis! Are you having fun on your trip? Where have you come from?
I'm Stacy. I work at the Front Desk. It's on the 8th floor. I'm studying Japanese language. It's fun!
Thank you very much,
Have a good day.
Stacy Sprouse
[Front Desk]
[Front Desk]