Tuesday, December 6, 2011

二十年ごの私、Final Draft

二十年のご 私は 四十六さいです。こどもが 二人と ねこが 三びき ほしいです。りょうしんの ちかくに いたいです。毎日 りょしんは うちへ きましたから。私は おおきな うちが ほしいです。うちの うしろに とても きれいな にわが あります。私の かのじょは ガーデニングが すきですから。ジョージアの アトランタに います。おおきな ホテルで はたらきたいです。おおきな ホテルは ちいさい ホテルより おもしろいですから。一週間に 四日 はたらきたいです。 そして、 一週間に 一日 大学で ホテルの クラスを おしえたいです。 とても たのしいです。毎年はるに、 私たちは どこか うみの ちかくに りょこうを します。

[Twenty years from now, I will be 46. I want to have two children and three cats. I want my parents to live nearby. That way, they can come to my house every day. I want to have a big house. Behind the house, there will be a beautiful garden. This is because my girlfriend loves gardening. We'll be in Atlanta, Georgia. I want to work in a big hotel, because big hotels are more interesting than small ones. I'd like to work for four days every week. And every week, for one day I want to teach a hotel class at a university. It'd be very fun. Every spring, we'll go take a vacation somewhere near the ocean.]

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Katakana Analysis Final

1A「マリオットホテル」(Located on a map provided to Japanese tourists visiting New York)
The expression of these words in カタカナ appears to be for multiple reasons. The first word, "マリオット," is understandable; it is simply a sounding out, in Japanese, of a "foreign" word. In this case, "Marriott" was originally a surname, originating in France or England (though Mr. Marriott himself was entirely American). The second word, "ホテル," is at first glance simply part of the name -- the property in question is indeed named the "Marriott Marquis Hotel." Colloquially, however, it is not referred to as such; it is "The Marquis," or "The Marriott," or as shown on this particular map, a "Marriott hotel." While I am uncertain if this is a common form of usage in Japanese, in American English -- where a "Marriott" is assumed to be a hotel -- referring to the place you stay at as "Marriott Hotel" would sound somewhat awkward in spoken conversation, as if you asked someone for a "Kleenex tissue," or a "Bandaid Adhesive Bandage."

So the term "ホテル" appears to have been expressed in カタカナ for several reasons. One, it implies that the location is an American hotel, with all the amenities, service, and expectations one would assume to find in an American property versus a traditional Japanese establishment. Though I have never stayed at a Japanese hotel before, I have been told that there are many subtle differences.
Additionally, by expressing the word "hotel" in カタカナ, emphasis is placed on the word, drawing a reader's eye. As it is located on a map provided to Japanese tourists by a Japanese traveler's agency, the  implication seems to be that they wish to remind the traveler they are traveling in "exotic" lands. 

1B「メトロネットワーク/エクスプレス/ピル」(Located on a map of the Toykyo subway system)
Here, although the majority of the writing is in かんじ -- the names of towns, cities, destinations and streets -- occasional words appear in カタカナ. The most prominent of these phrases is the name of the system, メトロネットワーク, or "Metro Network." There are a few reasons for expressing their name in this way. One is that it is a common abbreviation for such systems in English speaking countries, shortened from "Metropolitan," referring to the location of the system. Brand names are also often expressed with カタカナ to indicate that this is not a "real" noun. It may also be shorter to refer to the network as the "Metro" rather than a longer, more complicated phrase.

Similarly, several basic nouns are referenced in カタカナ here; エクスプレス for "express,"  ピル for "pier," and ライン for "line." These may have been represented in カタカナ because the foreign word was shorter, simpler, or simply to emphasis the difference between a particular line and the others.

2. Like English, where use of font, color, style, size, and placement is known to be effective in directing attention, focus, and eliciting emotion, use of カタカナ can serve the same purposes. By giving emphasis (think, perhaps, italics?), or as a subtle reminder of the "exotic" nature of a word, product, location, or service, the writer draws attention to that word.

Brevity and emphasis on the difference between specific lines also seem like strong possibilities. I am not yet advanced enough to know many town names, but with the extensive array of kanji that exist, it seems possible that particularly with smaller fonts (the subway map I have is only 3" x 4"), there are kanji that are visually very similar to each other. By putting some stop names in katakana, which are simpler in shape and form, the town name will be easier to read and the difference between stops that ordinarily look very similar will be easier to see. 

As to the tourist map of New York, the names of buildings there, while translatable, are often well known under their English names. The map *could* simply list the Rockefeller Center as a shopping center -- which it most certainly is -- but the Rockefeller Center has a famous name and a well-known reputation, as do many of the other tourist attractions. Others less well known (and I'm not sure which attractions are preferred by Japanese tourists) may simply be listed as what they are, rather than their specific title/name.

3. As to the textbook, it is not particularly surprising to find so many different explanations for what appears to be the same thing. Languages evolve over time; Japanese is no exception. Describing the history of a language is like describing the history of a people; it will be different every time it is told. Different historians remember, emphasis, quote, and focus on different things about the same event, and  the more complex an event, the greater the differences between all of these reports. Even strictly factual reports -- say, the number of deaths in a battle -- tend to be reported, even interpreted, differently across multiple sources.

So having begun with the incredible complexity of the development of a language, which cannot in any case be described in all its details in a matter of a few paragraphs, adding the difficulty of translating that description into another language adds yet another layer of obscurity.

In the case of the explanations for カタカナ, this seems to be the case. Like viewing an identical paragraph translated from Japanese into English by several different authors, in each case there will be small differences .. and perhaps different mistranslations or misunderstandings. The message will, barring grievous error, be largely the same, as the given descriptions of カタカナ. In all cases it is used to imply that the things item or items are "different" somehow, whether that difference is their foreignness, their importance, or the fact that they are not actually words, but sounds.

Katakana Literary Work, Final

きょ年の八月に かのじょうと ニューヨークへ 来ました。かのじょうは 大学いん生ですから、わたしは いつも うちで 一人です いました。じゃあー、たんじょ日は 十月三十日です。きょ年のたんじょう日に 二か月 ニューヨークに いましたから、ともだちが いません。しごとが マリオット*マキスで ありましたが、うちで 一人で いました。

かのじょうは わたしに あいましていましたから、きょ年のわたしの たんじょう日に ねこを もらいました。

わたしたち 九月に ちかてつと バスで どうぶうほご センター*へ 行きました。二時かん かかりました。そこで しんせつな おんなの人に 会いました。な前は カタリンさんでした。

ねこが たくさん いました。とても かわいかったです!でも、こねこが ほしいでした。もう ねこが いましたから。**

ちいさい へやへ 行きました。へやの 中に こねこが いました。しろいと くろい こねこを みました。とても ちいさかったです。かのじょは すきでした。

すぎの ベージュ こねこを みました。わたしの ての 中に ねました。だいすきでしたよ。

よくありませんでした。わたしは ベージュこねこが すきでしたが、かのじょは しろいと くろいこねこが すきでした。なにを しましたか。

わたしたちは くろいこねこと ベージュこねこを かいました。こねこは バスが だいきらいでした。二時かん 『ニャーニャー」いってました。

今、こねこは いっさいです。とても かわいいです。わたしのねこは モイラです。「モイラ」は スコットランドの な前です。かのじょのねこは リースです。「リース」は の な前です。わたしたちの ねこが すきです。

* どうぶうほご センター "Animal Shelter Center." In other words, the ASPCA. :)
** Because cats are territorial, when you have older cats it's sometimes recommended to get a kitten instead of another older cat -- the older cats can more easily adjust to a kitten.

<In August last year, I came to New York with my girlfriend. Because my girlfriend is a graduate student, I was always alone at home. Well, my birthday last year was October 30th. Because I'd been in New York for two months, I did not have friends. I had a job at the Marriott Marquis, but I was alone at home. 

Because my girlfriend loves me, for my birthday last year she gave me a cat. 

In September, we went by train and bus to the animal shelter (ASPCA). It took two hours. There we met a nice lady. Her name was Catherine. 

There were lots of cats. They were very cute! But, I wanted a kitten because we already have cats. 

We went to a small room. Inside the room there were kittens. We saw a black and white kitten. He was very small. My girlfriend liked him. 

Next we saw a beige kitten. She fell asleep in my arms. I loved her! 

This was bad. I liked the beige kitten, but my girlfriend liked the black kitten. What to do?

We bought the black kitten and and the beige kitten. The kittens hated the bus! For two hours they said "Meow! Meow!" 

Now, the kittens are one year old. They are very cute. My kitten is "Moira." "Moira" is a Scottish name. My girlfriend's kitten is "Rhys." "Rhys" is a name (from?) a book. We love our kittens!>

あなたは なにが じょうずですか。

あなたは なにが じょうずですか。

わたしは りょうりが あまり じょうずじゃ ありませんが、コーキや ピーなどが りょうりが じょうずです。ははに ならいました。

ははの かぞくは おかねが あまり ありませんでしたから、よく うちで しょくじました。ははは りょうりが じょうずですから。

いつも クリスマスに ともだちに キャンディーを もらいます。 :)とても おいしいです。

わたしは うたも あまり じょうずじゃ ありません。でもいいですよ。うちだけ うたを します。

わたしは かきものと よみものが いちばん じょうずです。だいすきですから、アパートで 本や えんぴつや かみなどが たくさん あります。

(What are you good at?

I'm not very good at cooking, but I'm good at cooking things like cookies, pie, and other things. (Baking.) My mom taught me. 

Because my mom's family did not have very much money, they often ate meals at home. Because of this she's good at cooking. 

On Christmas, I always give my friends candy. :) It's very delicious!

I am also not very good at singing. But it's okay! I only sing at home.

Reading and writing are what I'm best at. Because I love it, my apartment has lots of things like books, pencils, and paper.)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My Short Story

きょねんの八月に かのじょうと ニューヨークへ きました。かのじょうは 大学いんせいですから、わたしは いつも うちで ひとりで いました。じゃあー、きょねんの たんじょ日は 十月三十日でした。二か月 ニューヨークに いましたから、ともだちが いません。しごとが マリオット*マキスで ありましたが、うちで ひとりで いました。

かのじょうは わたしに あいましていましたから、きょねんのわたしの たんじょう日に ねこを もらいました。

わたしたち 九月に ちかてつと バス どうぶうほご センター*へ いきました。二時かん かかりました。そこで しんせつな おんなのひとに 会いました。な前は カタリンさんでした。

ねこが たくさん いました。とても かわいかったです!でも、こねこが ほしいでした。もう ねこが いましたから。**

ちいさい へやへ いきました。へやの 中に こねこが いました。しろいと くろい こねこを みました。とても ちいさかったです。かのじょは すきでした。

すぎの ベージュ こねこを みました。わたしの ての 中に ねました。だいすきでしたよ。

よくありませんでした。わたしは ベージュこねこが すきでしたが、かのじょは しろいと くろいこねこが すきでした。なにを しましたか。

わたしたちは くろいこねこと ベージュこねこを かいました。こねこは バスが だいきらいでした。二時かん 『ニャーニャー」いってました。

いま、こねこは いっさいです。とても かわいいです。わたしのねこは モイラです。「モイラ」は スコットランドの な前です。かのじょのねこは リースです。「リース」は ほんの な前です。わたしたちの ねこが すきです。

* どうぶうほご センター "Animal Shelter Center." In other words, the ASPCA. :)
** Because cats are territorial, when you have older cats it's sometimes recommended to get a kitten instead of another older cat -- the older cats can more easily adjust to a kitten.

<In August last year, I came to New York with my girlfriend. Because my girlfriend is a graduate student, I was always alone at home. Well, my birthday last year was October 30th. Because I'd been in New York for two months, I did not have friends. I had a job at the Marriott Marquis, but I was alone at home. 

Because my girlfriend loves me, for my birthday last year she gave me a cat. 

In September, we went by train and bus to the animal shelter (ASPCA). It took two hours. There we met a nice lady. Her name was Catherine. 

There were lots of cats. They were very cute! But, I wanted a kitten because we already have cats. 

We went to a small room. Inside the room there were kittens. We saw a black and white kitten. He was very small. My girlfriend liked him. 

Next we saw a beige kitten. She fell asleep in my arms. I loved her! 

This was bad. I liked the beige kitten, but my girlfriend liked the black kitten. What to do?

We bought the black kitten and and the beige kitten. The kittens hated the bus! For two hours they said "Meow! Meow!" 

Now, the kittens are one year old. They are very cute. My kitten is "Moira." "Moira" is a Scottish name. My girlfriend's kitten is "Rhys." "Rhys" is a name (from?) a book. We love our kittens!>

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Composition 2 - Final Draft

おげんきですか。そちらは いいてんきですか。こちらは ちょっと さむいですが、ふゆが すきです。わたしは ステーシー*スプラウスです。わたしは がくいんせいです。いま コロンビアだいがくで 日ほんごを べんきょうします。しごとに おかねを もらいましたから。月よう日から 木よう日まで まい日 じゅうじに 日ほんごのクラスが あります。それから だいたい ホテルで はたらきます。じゅういちじに かえります。ろく月ようかに 日ほんへ ひこうきで いきます。山田さんの まちへ でんしゃで いきます。えきで あいませんか。ありがとう。
よろしく おねがいします。

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

カタカナ Analysis Draft

1A. 「マリオットホテル」(Located on a map provided to Japanese tourists visiting New York)
The expression of these words in カタカナ appears to be for multiple reasons. The first word, "マリオット," is understandable; it is simply a sounding out, in Japanese, of a "foreign" word. In this case, "Marriott" was originally a surname, originating in France or England (though Mr. Marriott himself was entirely American). The second word, "ホテル," is at first glance simply part of the name -- the property in question is indeed named the "Marriott Marquis Hotel." Colloquially, however, it is not referred to as such; it is "The Marquis," or "The Marriott," or as shown on this particular map, a "Marriott hotel." While I am uncertain if this is a common form of usage in Japanese, in American English -- where a "Marriott" is assumed to be a hotel -- referring to the place you stay at as "Marriott Hotel" would sound somewhat awkward in spoken conversation, as if you asked someone for a "Kleenex tissue," or a "Bandaid Adhesive Bandage."
So the term "ホテル" appears to have been expressed in カタカナ for several reasons. One, it implies that the location is an American hotel, with all the amenities, service, and expectations one would assume to find in an American property versus a traditional Japanese establishment. Though I have never stayed at a Japanese hotel before, I have been told that there are many subtle differences.
Additionally, by expressing the word "hotel" in カタカナ, emphasis is placed on the word, drawing a reader's eye. As it is located on a map provided to Japanese tourists by a Japanese traveler's agency, the implication seems to be that they wish to remind the traveler they are traveling in "exotic" lands. 
1B. 「メトロネットワーク/エクスプレス/ピル」(Located on a map of the Toykyo subway system)
Here, although the majority of the writing is in かんじ -- the names of towns, cities, destinations and streets -- occasional words appear in カタカナ. The most prominent of these phrases is the name of the system, メトロネットワーク, or "Metro Network." There are a few reasons for expressing their name in this way. One is that it is a common abbreviation for such systems in English speaking countries, shortened from "Metropolitan," referring to the location of the system. Brand names are also often expressed with カタカナ to indicate that this is not a "real" noun. It may also be shorter to refer to the network as the "Metro" rather than a longer, more complicated phrase.

Similarly, several basic nouns are referenced in カタカナ here; エクスプレス for "express,"  ピル for "pier," and ライン for "line." These may have been represented in カタカナ because the foreign word was shorter, simpler, or simply to emphasis the difference between a particular line and the others.
2. Like English, where use of font, color, style, size, and placement is known to be effective in directing attention, focus, and eliciting emotion, use of カタカナ can serve the same purposes. By giving emphasis (think, perhaps, italics?), or as a subtle reminder of the "exotic" nature of a word, product, location, or service, the writer draws attention to that word.
3. As to the textbook, it is not particularly surprising to find so many different explanations for what appears to be the same thing. Languages evolve over time; Japanese is no exception. Describing the history of a language is like describing the history of a people; it will be different every time it is told. Different historians remember, emphasis, quote, and focus on different things about the same event, and the more complex an event, the greater the differences between all of these reports. Even strictly factual reports -- say, the number of deaths in a battle -- tend to be reported, even interpreted, differently across multiple sources.

So having begun with the incredible complexity of the development of a language, which cannot in any case be described in all its details in a matter of a few paragraphs, adding the difficulty of translating that description into another language adds yet another layer of obscurity.

In the case of the explanations for カタカナ, this seems to be the case. Like viewing an identical paragraph translated from Japanese into English by several different authors, in each case there will be small differences .. and perhaps different mistranslations or misunderstandings. The message will, barring grievous error, be largely the same, as the given descriptions of カタカナ. In all cases it is used to imply that the things item or items are "different" somehow, whether that difference is their foreignness, their importance, or the fact that they are not actually words, but sounds.